How To Find Your Skin Undertone – 5 Facts and Ways To Uncover If You’re Cool (Figuratively, Anyway)
Although it may sound complicated, like an archaeological excavation of sorts, uncovering your skin undertone doesn’t have to be difficult, time-consuming or hard work. But, in order to find the perfect foundation shade, it’s necessary.
Trust us on this: instead of sampling several different products and colors (and spending an insane amount of time doing so), there are tried and true methods to finding your perfect match – without consulting a scientist, or a more appropriate source of information on this topic: a makeup artist.
Take the guesswork out of adding a new staple in your makeup bag with these 5 facts and helpful tips. Here’s what to consider in an effort to finding your skin’s undertone.
There Are a Variety of Undertones
The first thing you should know is that three types of underlying colors exist: Cool, Warm and Neutral. Cool = pink, red or bluish undertones (your skin burns easily and rarely tans—ouch), Warm = yellow, peachy or golden undertones (skin tans easily, luckily), and Neutral = olive or a mix of warm and cool undertones (this is you if your skin tans well but may burn). -
But Undertone Should Not Be Confused With ‘Tone’
Tone is the skin color on the surface. Undertone, on the other hand, is the hue that’s beneath that top layer. It’s like socks and shoes: tones and undertones mix and match, so there’s a range of possibilities when it comes to potential combinations! -
Flip Your Wrist For More Info
As strange as it sounds, your veins can help reveal what shade of makeup is best to wear. Blue or purple wrist veins typically indicate that you have cool undertones, while green or olive equates to warm, and blue-green veins suggest that neutral undertones are in effect. -
Play With Gold or Silver Accessories
If you need an excuse to buy a necklace or bracelet, blame it on your curiosity to uncover your undertone (…research, am I right?). Although this method isn’t as objective, it’s believed that gold jewelry goes best with warm undertones while silver matches more fittingly with cool undertones. -
Seasonality Doesn’t Count
Once you’ve figured out your undertone, you’re all set. Undertones don’t change with the weather, but your tone does. Whether you’re poolside or mountainside, you’ll have to switch hues, but the undertone will remain constant through sunny, cool and extreme climates.
Keep these items of info in mind while picking a foundation, and you’ll find your perfect makeup match, seamlessly!
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