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Virtual Reality Device


Plugging the loopholes in VR management


Once believed to be just for gaming and entertainment, Virtual Reality (VR) devices now offer exciting use cases for businesses. They provide a captivating experience that replaces the employees' existing surrounding view with a virtual reality, created by using a headset with a screen in front of their eyes.

While business leaders in retail and manufacturing are looking at how VR technology can transform sales, services, and industrial processes, HR departments are also adopting VR for workforce training and gamification of e-learning instructional designs, as the millennial crowd begins to take over the workplace.

For a long time, employee training after onboarding has been conducted through classroom learnings, powered by PowerPoint presentations. Virtual Reality takes the classroom setting to an entirely different level with unlimited possibilities. Businesses are now interested in offering training to their employees through a more realistic approach. VR is being accepted as a better fit for organisations because the headsets allow trainees to see the real world overlain with digital objects that will better prepare them for situations that may occur in real life.

How Virtual Reality Works?

Virtual Reality simulates a scenario with the

help of high-performance computers and

sensory tools. It creates a virtual or imaginary

environment similar to a real situation by

generating realistic images, sounds and other

perceptions that simulate the experience of

being physically present at the location.

To a large extent, this is done by use of VR headsets

that are typically head-mounted goggles fixed with a

screen in front of the user’s eyes.

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Virtual Reality Immersive Training Use Cases

Virtual Reality is already being used in retail, logistics, transportation, industrial and healthcare spaces. There is keen interest being shown for the adoption of VR to train workers on safety and security aspects of the business. Companies are finding it beneficial to train staff for on-site environments or scenarios by transporting them into real-life situations with VR.


VR headsets are being used by logistics companies such as UPS to train their student drivers on driving techniques. They help drivers identify road hazards and safety challenges through immersive and hyper-realistic graphics that replicate the feeling of driving on a city street.

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Healthcare industries are using VR technology to train and guide physicians in order to perform simulative surgeries without putting a patient at risk.

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Virtual Reality also offers an excellent alternative to educate new corporate managers in real-life job scenarios. VR technology can immerse new managers in realistic situations, and teach them valuable management skills through tutorials, lessons and professional experiences.

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VR technology is being adopted in retail industries as well. Companies are using VR headsets to train employees on a variety of real-world scenarios, such as handling Black Friday shopping spree rush to maintaining shop cleanliness and keeping fresh produce stocked.

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