Terms of Use
Terms & Conditions For Maintenance Contracts
These terms and conditions apply only to new contracts and do not apply to existing contracts.
Customers who were on contract with Roan Systems in a previous term are not eligible for the special, regardless of their serial number. Renewals of current maintenance contracts are not eligible for the special.
New items added to the agreement are eligible for the special, provided they were previously under warranty and there has been no break in support from Roan Systems.
All products that will be taken onto maintenance with Roan Systems must be inspected by a representative and brought up to standard before entering into the agreement. The customer is responsible for all repair costs required to bring the equipment up to standard. Products that cannot be supported due to lack of parts, end of life, or service can be considered for labour-only and PM-only agreements.
For print head inclusive agreements, the print heads of thermal barcode printers must be inspected and meet certain criteria, such as being free of visible marks.
Customers have the option to sign a standard 1-year contract where they can sign for 12 months and only pay for 10 months. However, the contract must be signed using normal amounts for future renewals, and discounts will be applied in bulk once invoiced. Contracts will not be signed for the reduced amounts as it may affect future renewals.
Customers can also choose to sign a 3-year contract but pay annually and receive a 7.5% discount. This discount is subject to annual adjustments for CPI and foreign exchange fluctuations.
Alternatively, customers can sign and pay for a 3-year maintenance contract and receive a 15% discount with no annual adjustments for CPI or foreign exchange fluctuations.
Similarly, customers can sign for a 5-year contract but pay annually and receive a 12.5% discount. This discount is subject to annual adjustments for CPI and foreign exchange fluctuations.
Alternatively, customers can sign and pay for a 5-year maintenance contract and receive a 25% discount with no annual adjustments for CPI or foreign exchange fluctuations.